Well, it’s officially a stereotypical Monday. My desktop won’t/can’t connect to the Internet, no matter what I unplug/replug/switch on/switch off/restart; the laptop (connected to the emergency upstairs in-house wireless) conks out every so often with a “no bootable device found” message when I try to restart four times out of five.
A headache should not be this severe, this early in the morning.
The Internet isn’t exactly required for work, it just makes it a heck of a lot easier when I have to check facts for which I have no hard copy references. Also, I can’t check my email for answers to the questions I asked last Friday, or ask new ones via that medium if they arise. I could call, but the questions are kind of niggly and not really worth that.
Much with the grr. And HRH has gone and double-booked himself for the evening, telling the neighbours he’d finish painting their bathroom tonight (as usual it’s taking longer than originally expected, because the people who installed the ceiling vent didn’t properly finish or sand the plastering, so what should have been a two-hour job has already taken four and will take another one). Also, I’m fairly certain he’s forgotten he said he’d create and lead tonight’s coven ritual (if he’s even going to be there), which means it falls into my lap.
I’m not a happy girl at the moment. And I should log off before the laptop decides to crash again.
(I did have an excellent weekend, however, which began Friday night celebrating my birthday with the Preston-LeBlancs at a pub dinner and a (3D IMAX!) showing of Order of the Phoenix, continued through Saturday with a delicious birthday dinner made by my in-laws, and culminating in a nice lazy Sunday. Also? Presents! Hurrah!)