Daily Archives: September 13, 2006


You know what’s frustrating? Everything could go into Chapter One of this darn book.

While working on expanding things in Chapter One, I keep mentioning things or exercises that connect to exercises and rituals in later chapters, and I just know that at some point someone’s going to suggest moving the connected material into the first chapter to make things more linear. It’s occured to me, but if we do, it’s going to be the Longest Chapter Ever.

Fifteen more minutes before I have to leave. Let’s see how many words we can throw at this MS that will stick.

Later: 387 words; better than nothing. Which brings us to 25,560.

So Much For Working

Shots Fired At Dawson College.

I’ve been pacing since I heard at one o’clock. Someone very special to me has to have been evacuated from that area, and I’m praying as hard as I can for her and for everyone else. It’s the not knowing that has me in knots, and the sympathy I feel for every parent who’s trying to locate their child right now.

I’m not going to get any writing done today now. I might as well go make myself a cup of cocoa and curl up under the afghan, maybe try to do some book-based research instead.

Later: She’s fine. And one gunman’s been neutralised. Let’s hope that’s all there is.

Move Along

There is no soda in the house.

Naturally, I’m craving soda.

If I take the time out to walk down to the dep and get some, I’ll lose about forty-five minutes. And I have to knock off early today because I have to pick the boy up right at five instead of five-thirty. (It’s the first orchestra rehearsal of the season tonight, you know.)

But if I go to the dep, there could also be chocolate.

This is my subconscious trying to avoid work, I know it is.

I’ll have cranberry juice instead. And cheese and crackers.

It won’t be the same.

New Toys — er, Work Supplies

I have a new mouse (a tiny little one which is great but takes getting used to), a new flash drive for work backups (because the other one vanished — this one is bright red, to make it harder to lose), a pretty new mousepad (unnecessary because the mouse is optical, but I don’t like the feel of a mouse skittering over varnished wood) and new ink cartridges for the fountain pen I found in my travel pencil case.

Maybe I should have bought a new keyboard as well, because this one appears to be freaking out, dropping chunks of words and repeating other letters, inserting spaces where letters should be and behaving in general as if it has been possessed. To paraphrase Blade, hardware that does not behave gets “resolved”. I’m going to go grab the cord keyboard from HRH’s desk downstairs again. And I might as well toss a load of laundry in while I’m down there.