Okay. Deprived of Vanilla Coke, I tried this new 7-Up Tropical thing.
Remember Fresca?
It’s Fresca.
Okay. Deprived of Vanilla Coke, I tried this new 7-Up Tropical thing.
Remember Fresca?
It’s Fresca.
I got my music folder back!
The fire alarm went off this morning. Twice. I’m in a surprisingly good mood, regardless. Despite wrist pain (rehearsal was intense, but I walked out feeling much better about myself than I had in weeks. Practice actually does help. Wow.), back pain (no surprise there), and the knowledge that I have an eleven-hour day ahead of me… I’m remarkably chipper. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I had breakfast with friends (what else do you do when the fire alarm has you all up at an ungodly hour?) and that one of the stand-offish store cats jumped on my lap to cuddle this morning. It’s sunny, too, which always helps!