Daily Archives: June 9, 2002


Flipping through random blogs, I came across this test.

I decided, for a laugh, to run through it. I said to myself, “Self, what with being so out of the celebrity and entertainment thing, you won’t even recognise the Hollywood princess you end up as.”

So I did it, and ended up as…

You are Sarah
Michelle Gellar

You acted in cool movies like:
Scooby-Doo, Harvard Man, She’s All That,
Scream 2 and Cruel Intentions.

Take the “Which Hollywood Princess are you?”
quiz @ planetag.de

Having seen exactly zero of the mentioned movies, I can still be wowed by the fact that she plays Buffy. Cool! I’m cute, and I’m deadly!

Later: Okay, so the other options were Alyssa Milano, Cameron Diaz, Christina Ricci, Angelina Jolie, Thora Birch, Alicia Silverstone, Reese Witherspoon, Drew Barrymore, and Claire Danes. All of whom I know. Whoever would have thought? (Note to self: remember to thank Powers That Be for not being classified as Alicia Silverstone…)


Figures. They were out of stock. Next week, they promise.


Buffy fans who are also academics, take note: Roz Kaveney’s Reading the Vampire Slayer: An Unofficial Critical Companion to Buffy and Angel is fantabulous. I’ve been out of the academic community for a couple of years, but it all came back as I read essays on the function of labour in the Buffyverse, dialectics, sematics, upsetting established narratives… it was wonderful.

Last Straw

I’ve been patient, and good, and did I mention patient? Today, however, was the proverbial last straw. I made new copies of my music yesterday, and as I played it through I made new notes about fingerings, bowings, etcetera. However, my music stand (my $12.99 special purchased over fifteen years ago along with my flute) just doesn’t stand up to supporting paper whilst writing. It swings madly back and forth, which means I have to lean the cello across my body, kind of clinch it between my ribcage and my thigh, then put the bow between my teeth in order to be able to hold the stand steady with my left hand and write with my right hand. Then I have to switch the pencil and the bow, sit up, and grab the cello before it topples over.

Today, that changes. Today I go to the bank, take out $50, and sail up to Italmelodie and buy that lovely solid-table music stand. I will be an irritating customer first, however, and take it apart in the store to make sure it collapses in a portable fashion. (No, wait, that’s pointless; it comes in a flat box, so of course it collapses in a portable fashion. Italmelodie staff, you are hereby saved from an irritating customer. Consider yourselves fortunate.)

Since I will be in the neighbourhood, Ceri and I will munch and have coffee too. Life is pretty good.